Monday, November 14, 2005

love and death

The Stills - Love and Death (pops)

First off, R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero. He died Sunday morning. It's a sad occurence when someone goes through years of drug abuse, then they finally get clean, then they die.

This morning I watched "Boondocks" and laughed my ass off at Adam West.

Then I went to school and found out I made an 84 on my Psych test without the 8-point curve.

I stayed awake through Algebra and again rattled off the answers faster than the teacher.

I got my final directions on the paper I'm revising, and did that when I got home.

When the mail finally ran at 4:00, I got a check from the Financial Aid office. Too bad it'll go straight to paying bills. Being poor sucks.

How come there are no tobacco shops in Barrow or Oconee? I have this weird urge to smoke a cigar, but do I really want to smoke what amounts to sweepings off the factory floor, which is what I'll get if I buy a convenience store smoke? Well, sweepings if I'm lucky.

I figure, hey, I'm 18, I might as well use my advanced age for something, you know? The only time I've ever been carded was when I bought the DVD ten-pack of King of the Cage fights at Wal-Mart. Sad, really.

When I was in high school, I thought about making a fake I.D., but then I realized I'd never use it. Now, when I have an actual adult I.D., I never use it. I don't go to bars, I don't smoke cigarettes, I don't even buy lottery tickets.

Well, that was a waste of ten minutes, typing this up. I'm going to go eat dinner now. Leave comments about how much you despise my existence on this planet.


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