method of modern love

This is a graph of my site traffic for the last few months.
I have a simple question:
Seriously, I get hits all over the world, and I'd love to know why. I can only tell so much from the referral data I have. If you're a regular visitor from another country, or just someone who I don't know personally, let me know how you found the site, so I can better serve you, the customer. Leave a comment or leave a message in the chatbox in the upper right corner.
God, I sound like the worst kind of salesman.
I'm closing in on buying the Ramcharger. I would love to have something newer, but it's crunch time. Hopefully, I can drive this one, sell my dad's car, take the money from that and combine it with my savings, and buy a car from a dealer. Then I can have a nice reliable ride, but I'll have transportation until then. If I can find a camera, I'l try and put up a picture of the truck.
I bought my books for the next quarter. Four books, two new, two used: $397.68. I've already found five or six errors in the Music Appreciation book. I hate the spin in the American Government book. The Algebra book and the Psychology book are staying in their shrink wrap just in case they're not the right book.
I had to replace my old, ratty bookbag. I ordered a messenger bag off of Amazon, which I will now cover in patches. I'm going to put on the "Perdue Chicken" and "Vulture's Nest" patches I got from the Confederate Mack when I sent him some money for his wedding. I also went down to Junkman's in Athens (one of two licensed dealers in Homestar Runner merchandise) and bought four of the five HSR patches. "Raised by a Cup of Coffee", "Dangeresque", "The Homestarmy", and (my personal favorite) "Powered by The Cheat". I'm not a big fan of Trogdor.
I need to go back down to Junkman's and buy some more patches and some bumper stickers, once I get my vehicle.
I've rambled enough. Here's hoping I survive the DVDVR Purge of '05 with my account intact.
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