Tuesday, September 07, 2004

build the ark

So, we had to show up today, despite the fact that half the kids here have no power, and the rest had to wade through foot-high water to get here. Go public school.

I would much rather be at home (duh), but I guess its not that bad, except I know going in today that I've got HW in Lit. Remember the good old days when the teachers truster you to read the book, and just expected a four or five page report at the end? Yeah, me neither.

They're just in it for the paycheck, the pittance it is. I can't really blame them, but I'm going to anyway.

Played RCT2 yesterday. Nothing ground-breaking, but I guess the game's good. The scenario editor kind of sucks, because you go in thinking you can do just about anything with it, but then you realize how crippled they made it. Sucks.

Thunder isn't that bad, but it is pretty bad. At least it has a good roster on there. Too bad it is the worst kind of button-masher.

Haven't gotten around to playing Madden 99, but I have no worries since it is Madden.

JS, I'll tell you who I think the PhantomPoster is later.

Head, stop being cute and post something meaningful.

Everybody else, dance the funky chicken. It'll do you some good.


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